The Naturalistic Engineering is a technical/scientific subject that studies the different ways of using living vegetation (biotic material) as building material with support of not concrete kinds of material such as stones, soils, hard wood, iron as well as a union with wickers made of vegetal or synthetic fibres (abiotic)
The professional that works in this field of expertise is prepared to create a synergy in a project between multiple scientific subject that need to be integrated depending on the complexity of the project itself (typography, geology, pedology, hydrology, ecology, botanic, hydraulic engineering, plants nursery and selvicolture)
The historical application of this technique is the prevention of the hydrogeological instability of the ground making it extremely important in operations such as consolidation, stabilization, hydraulic management, drainage management, Renaturalisation of sites in order to prevent the erosion, development of natural environments, landscape protection and mitigation of the environmental impact in order to redevelop areas.
The abiotic part of the structure inserted at the beginning, needed to consolidate the ground while the roots are settling, will deteriorate and disappear in time leaving at the biotic component the role of sole support for the cliff/slope.